
Cañada Syllabus Guide

I collaborated with Kiran Malavade, Cañada’s Faculty Equity Coordinator, to put together a Syllabus Guide for Cañada. We wanted the document to cover the general best practices for crafting an inclusive syllabus, the specific components that need to be included in a syllabus, and the steps for making a syllabus accessible. We brought the guide to Academic Senate for feedback and although they chose not to adopt it as an Academic Senate resource, they encouraged us to share it with faculty looking for guidance in crafting an inclusive and equitable syllabus.

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Course Cleanup Guide

We are fast approaching our 10 year anniversary of adopting Canvas in our District. With all of those years of Canvas use, I often see faculty struggle to navigate the amount of content that they have in each of their courses that has been copied between semesters. I created the Course Cleanup Guide to walk faculty through the process of cleaning up the content of a course for their own sanity as well as students’ sanity. Please explore the Course Cleanup Guide if you’re interested!

QOTL, the Essentials (QOTL-E)

In the Spring of 2024, we discussed at District DEAC some of the issues we run into with the timing of our QOTL offerings and how we could address these issues. I proposed that we offer a self-paced “pre-QOTL” course that faculty could enroll in at any time when they need preparation for online teaching, but the next QOTL offering won’t start in time.

District DEAC formed a work group to build this course and we began meeting late in the Spring of 2024. We finished up the course, which we’re calling ‘QOTL, the Essentials, or QOTL-E’ in the Fall of 2024. It was a group effort of Instructional Designers, Technologists and DE Coordinators from across the District and we’re excited to launch the course this semester.

I contributed to the course build and I also managed the project and kept us moving forward on the project amidst all of our other work commitments. I was beyond pleased to receive really positive feedback from my fellow Instructional Technology & Design colleagues on how well the project went and I’m proud of the resource we made.