Facilitating QOTL 2
I facilitated two cohorts of QOTL 2 in the Summer and Fall of 2024. It was great to get back into the swing of things facilitating QOTL and I was happy to see that faculty are still enjoying and learning from the course that we first built in 2021. Across the 2 cohorts, I had almost 30 faculty complete QOTL 2 across all three colleges. Here is some feedback that I received from QOTL 2 participants:
๐ “Thank you so much for your feedback on my Authentic Assessment. This makes this Ed-Venture so much worth it.”
๐ “Thank you for the shout-out! It means a lot to me to hear that you were inspired by some of my ideas. It’s nice to be affirmed like this.”
๐ “Excellent content and training! I truly enjoyed every aspect of the course. It was a great way to combine theory with practical applications. Thank you so much!”
QOTL 1 Consultative Reviews
Without an Instructional Designer, our consultative review process has been inconsistent over the years, so I’ve been excited to be able update how we offer consultative reviews and ensure that everyone who completes QOTL 1 receives a review. I decided to incorporate my Course Boosts form, that I created last year, into the process in order to summarize the findings of the review with the OEI Rubric, so that faculty are able to more quickly identify the actionable results of the review and apply them in their next course update. To the left, you can see an anonymized QOTL 1 Consultative Review which includes the OEI Rubric followed by the Course Boosts Summary.
Peer Online Course Review (POCR) – Accessibility Reviews
I’ve continued to do the Accessibility Reviews for our POCR process. I’ve completed 7 Accessibility Reviews, and we have 3 more in process this Fall. It has been really useful for faculty to receive detailed feedback about what to fix in their courses in regards to accessibility. I’ve learned that a thorough accessibility review along with an accessibility consultation to identify strategies for remediation is the only way to bring existing courses into accessibility alignment. It is a lot of work for the reviewer and the faculty reviewee, but it is what’s needed for accessibility alignment.
Similar to the QOTL 1 Consultative Reviews, I’m working on the best way to present the information for the Section D Accessibility Review because of the level of detail that’s required. I want to present all of the information to the faculty so that they have what they need to work towards accessibility alignment, but I want to sequence the information to help them work through it efficiently. I started adding a Notes Document, like the one to the right at the end of the review where they can find the recommended sequence to fix things and what exactly needs to be fixed. This is a work in progress and I’ll continue to improve it this year.
While faculty are continuing to adjust to the concept of an Instructional Design consultation and remember the possibilities for support available to them, I have continued to have regular requests for consultations. The majority are individual consultations, but they come from a variety of divisions, with disciplines including Math, English, Spanish, Early Childhood Development, History and Chemistry. Consultation highlights have included:
๐ชด A small group consultation series over the summer with some English faculty interested in learning more about Contract Grading.
๐ชด Consultations that resulted from QOTL 2 and POCR participation.
๐ชด Participating in conversations around better connecting SLOs to assessment in Canvas, both at the department-level and at the college level.
I’ve continued to offer a variety of Flex Day workshops, and I’ve started partnering with our new Instructional Technologist, Lindsey Irizarry, to continue to offer workshops in the Faculty Teaching & Learning Center.
2024 Sessions
- 10/9: How to Put the ACTION in Your Online Course InterACTION – Translating RSI Standards
- 10/9: Canvas Updates – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- 10/9: Unpacking the UDL Toolbox – Representation Principle
- 9/18: AI Brainstorm Session
- 8/13: What is Your Creative Hobby?
- 4/18: Instructional Design Q&A
Upcoming Sessions
- November & December FTLCL Sessions
- January Flex – RSI Session on the New ACCJC Rubric
- January Flex – Unpacking the UDL Toolbox – Engagement Principle